Who is eligible
Persons taking up residence in Québec
coming from another Canadian province
You qualify for the Québec Health Insurance Plan as soon as you cease to be eligible for the plan of your province of origin, usually on the first day of the third month following the month of your arrival in Québec. Until then, your province of origin covers the cost of the healthcare you obtain in Québec and you may present the health insurance card of your former province to your physician, if he or she accepts it. Otherwise, you must assume the costs yourself and apply for a reimbursement with the administrator of the health insurance plan of your former province.
coming from another country
If you are arriving from outside Canada, you may be eligible for the Québec Health Insurance Plan. However, before becoming eligible, you will be subject to a waiting period of up to three months after the date of your registration. This applies even if you hold Canadian citizenship.
Generally, the Régie does not reimburse the cost of healthcare services received during the waiting period; for this reason, we strongly recommend that you take out private insurance to cover that period.
Persons staying in Québec temporarily
Depending on the duration of your stay and the document issued to you by the immigration authorities, you may qualify for health insurance if you are:
a temporary or seasonal worker
a student or trainee under an official scholarship program of the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur
the holder of a post-diploma work permit
the spouse or dependant accompanying a worker, student or trainee, or holder of a post-diploma work permit
a person covered by a social security agreement
a person covered by an agreement with a Québec-based governmental or non-governmental international organization
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猴君 Yannick - CICC 加拿大联邦魁省双牌移民顾问
Who is eligible
Persons taking up residence in Québec
coming from another Canadian province
You qualify for the Québec Health Insurance Plan as soon as you cease to be eligible for the plan of your province of origin, usually on the first day of the third month following the month of your arrival in Québec. Until then, your province of origin covers the cost of the healthcare you obtain in Québec and you may present the health insurance card of your former province to your physician, if he or she accepts it. Otherwise, you must assume the costs yourself and apply for a reimbursement with the administrator of the health insurance plan of your former province.
coming from another country
If you are arriving from outside Canada, you may be eligible for the Québec Health Insurance Plan. However, before becoming eligible, you will be subject to a waiting period of up to three months after the date of your registration. This applies even if you hold Canadian citizenship.
Generally, the Régie does not reimburse the cost of healthcare services received during the waiting period; for this reason, we strongly recommend that you take out private insurance to cover that period.
Persons staying in Québec temporarily
Depending on the duration of your stay and the document issued to you by the immigration authorities, you may qualify for health insurance if you are:
a temporary or seasonal worker
a student or trainee under an official scholarship program of the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur
the holder of a post-diploma work permit
the spouse or dependant accompanying a worker, student or trainee, or holder of a post-diploma work permit
a person covered by a social security agreement
a person covered by an agreement with a Québec-based governmental or non-governmental international organization