“This program has a mandatory field experience competency which necessitates that you apply for a Co-op work permit.”
问:As an international student, can I take part in co-op and internship programs?
答:If you are in an academic, professional or vocational training program at a designated learning institution that requires work experience, such as a co-op or internship placement, you will need a work permit as well as a study permit.
To get a work permit, you must prove that the work experience is essential to completing your program. Acceptable proof could include a letter from the school you are attending or a copy of the school curriculum.
The work experience cannot be more than 50% of your total program of study.
If you are studying English or French as a second language (ESL/FSL), or participating in general interest or preparatory courses, you are not eligible for a co-op work permit.
如果你正在就读英语或是法语的语言课程(ESL或FSL),或是预科类课程,你并不符合申请Co-op work permit的条件。
也就是说就读职业培训(training)课程,如果你的项目里包含实习课程,那么你必须申请Co-op工签。一些学校可能对国际学生的Co-op work permit政策不是很了解,所以学生问到后的回答经常是模棱两可,但保险起见,作为一名合格的毕业生,Co-op工签还是申请为妙,何况Co-op work permit是免费的。
1 个回复
猴君 Yannick - CICC 加拿大联邦魁省双牌移民顾问
赞同来自: kevinyao 、Midapple
经常有学生在临毕业的实习阶段跑来问我,“猴君,实习阶段需不需要申请实习工签(co-op work permit)啊?”
“This program has a mandatory field experience competency which necessitates that you apply for a Co-op work permit.”
问:As an international student, can I take part in co-op and internship programs?
答:If you are in an academic, professional or vocational training program at a designated learning institution that requires work experience, such as a co-op or internship placement, you will need a work permit as well as a study permit.
To get a work permit, you must prove that the work experience is essential to completing your program. Acceptable proof could include a letter from the school you are attending or a copy of the school curriculum.
The work experience cannot be more than 50% of your total program of study.
If you are studying English or French as a second language (ESL/FSL), or participating in general interest or preparatory courses, you are not eligible for a co-op work permit.
如果你正在就读英语或是法语的语言课程(ESL或FSL),或是预科类课程,你并不符合申请Co-op work permit的条件。
也就是说就读职业培训(training)课程,如果你的项目里包含实习课程,那么你必须申请Co-op工签。一些学校可能对国际学生的Co-op work permit政策不是很了解,所以学生问到后的回答经常是模棱两可,但保险起见,作为一名合格的毕业生,Co-op工签还是申请为妙,何况Co-op work permit是免费的。