向各位请教一个问题。根据NOC的列表和我的工作,Architectural Technician,我属于2251,B类。可是官网(http://noc.esdc.gc.ca/English/noc/Profile.aspx?val=2&val1=2251&ver=11&_ga=2.189244523.1326039165.1508778218-175945626.1506635654)介绍的Main duties里写道:Prepare contract and bidding documents。 这块工作是我同事完成的,并不在我的职责范围内。Main duties的其他项我都符合。请问我在申请中是否还可以按照自己是Architectural Technician这个Title来填写?
1 个回复
猴君 Yannick - CICC 加拿大联邦魁省双牌移民顾问
赞同来自: Marvin
Architectural technologists and technicians perform some or all of the following duties:
Assist in the development of architectural designs
Analyze building codes, by-laws, space requirements, site requirements and other technical documents and reports
Prepare manual and CAD (computer-assisted design) drawings, specifications, cost estimates and listings of quantities of material from conceptual drawings and instructions
Construct architectural and display models, and 3-D virtual models of architectural designs
Prepare contract and bidding documents
May supervise drafters, technicians and technologists on the architectural team
May supervise construction projects and co-ordinate, monitor and inspect work done by others.